News & Articles

Strengthening response to violence against women and girls

This project is an initiative of iCALL, TISS in collaboration with the UNFPA and its sister organisations, UNWomen and WHO. It aims to deliver support and enhance the capacities of counselors and social workers at One Stop Crisis Centers, Special

Six Ways to Conquer Workplace Stress

For most of us, work is worship. We work with dedication and constantly strive to achieve more. However, achieving targets, managing deadlines or balancing a huge workload can be challenging to cope with. At times, job stress can have positive

Navigating Through Relational Conflicts

In our lives, we have many relationships that are integral to our happiness, growth and well-being. We may have family, friends, work colleagues, children, or relatives who support us when we encounter roadblocks, or help us make difficult decisions. Thus

Overcoming Trauma through Psychological First-Aid

Trauma occurs to people going through life-changing events involving a state of shock, despair, and grief. The American Psychological Association (2016) has defined trauma as “an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster”. It

Caring for the Caregiver

The family is an important institution that influences its members and relatives throughout the life span. Each individual in the family plays an integral role in the wellbeing of the other members. If the well-being of any of the family

8 Things to help you deal with a Break-up

Throughout our lives, we go through different types of losses – the loss of a loved one, the loss of a pet, the loss of an object that we hold close to our heart, etc. However, not all kinds of

How do I help a Loved One Suffering from a Chronic Illness?

The link between physical health and psychological well-being is well established in research. The World Health Organization(WHO) (1948) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” What this means is

4 Self-Help Techniques for When You Are Stressed

Many of us may experience states of emotional distress at some point in our lives. This could result from facing any number of challenges that end up becoming overwhelming for us. A number of factors can be of help at

How iCALL is an LGBT Friendly Service

It is easy to identify oneself as a heterosexual in a world full of heterosexuals. The challenge begins when one’s identity differs from the majority. As a heterosexual, one seldom remembers that one is living a privileged life; one where

Six Challenges of a Long-Distance Relationship – How You Can Overcome Them

Long distance relationships are difficult to maintain. Your family may discourage it, and some of your friends may advise you not to get your hopes up, lest you get your heart broken. Long distance relationships (LDRs) include romantic relationships between

Psychological First-Aid – How it can help you

Imagine you are riding on your two-wheeler along with a friend. Suddenly your vehicle collides with another speeding vehicle and you meet with an accident. Your friend who is not as injured as you calls for an ambulance for you.

Understanding and coping with Self-Harm

People encounter stressors all the time and in such cases they may each use a different way of coping with their stress. The strategies people use to deal with their stressors may either be healthy or unhealthy (Ballesteros & Whitlock,

Ten Mental Health Apps and Resources to Help you Destress

Telephones and the internet have ensured greater accessibility and innovative channels for service provision in health care. Dissemination of information has become much easier and faster with the availability of internet. As of 2014, there are about 957.61 billion telephone

What to do if You are being Cheated On

Should I stay or leave? Can trust be rebuilt? Will we ever feel the same way again for each other? A breach of trust can have severe implications. Infidelity is one of its forms and while it may be disapproved

Tackling Teenage Suicide

Adolescence is a critical transitional phase in human development that comes with a diverse set of challenges. To some adolescents, these transitions may come relatively easily, but for many this may not be the case. It is common in a

Are You Being Gaslighted?

With violence in intimate relationships coming more and more to the forefront in today’s day and age, violence in its most overt forms (especially physical and sexual violence) is being outlawed strongly in most countries across the world. However, when

icall-small is a psychological helpline that aims to provide high quality telephone counselling and internet based support services which will significantly improve mental health and the well being of individuals as well as the community.


We will respond in 24 hours

icall-small is a psychological helpline that aims to provide high quality telephone counselling and internet based support services which will significantly improve mental health and the well being of individuals as well as the community.




icall-small is a psychological helpline that aims to provide high quality telephone counselling and internet based support services which will significantly improve mental health and the well being of individuals as well as the community.




  • icall-small is a psychological helpline that aims to provide high quality telephone counselling and internet based support services which will significantly improve mental health and the well being of individuals as well as the community.




  • icall-small is a psychological helpline that aims to provide high quality telephone counselling and internet based support services which will significantly improve mental health and the well being of individuals as well as the community.


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